T-DOC® AIR-CHARGED™ Arm catheter

The T-DOC® Air-Charged™ ARM Catheter is designed with directional sensors and advanced membrane technology

Part of a complete posterior pelvic floor evaluation. Adding the T-DOC® Air-Charged™ Anorectal Manometry Catheter to your EMG, nerve stimulation, sensation measurements, anal ultrasonography, and defecography studies provides essential information to you and your patient in the effective treatment of evacuatory dysfunction.

The T-DOC® Air-Charged™ ARM Catheter is designed with directional sensors and advanced membrane technology that communicate motility readings to transducer cables, resulting in reliable, accurate tracings every time.


Procedure Type: Anorectal Manometry Studies
Length: 50 cm (19.7 in)
Shaft Size: 19 Fr
Single-Use / Disposable

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