Goby™ manages to combine the functionality of a full wireless urodynamics system in a compact form
Goby™ is the world's most compact full Urodynamics system, with all the advanced features of a full-size wireless Urodynamics system in a compact form.
Fully wireless and modular components enable healthcare professionals to perform Urodynamic tests reproducing real life scenarios when a patient leaks.
Goby is the smart choice for clinic use, allowing you to focus on the patient while enjoying true freedom of movement.
Procedure Type: Urodynamics and Anorectal Manometry
Compatibility: Air-Charged, Water-filled and Electronic catheters
Computer Type: Laptop
Pressure Transducers: 4 T-DOC®, MEDEX or Unisensor
Optional Accessories: Printer, Puller, Puller Stand, Infusion Transducer, PVC Commode, Folding Commode, Flowmeter Stand
Should you need more information on the product, kindly write your details to us.
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